You + Me = Clutter Free

Sure you can keep piling your clutter behind closed doors along with your guilt and shame shoved in there, too. Or, you can open them up and feel relieved about how perfectly uncluttered and organized they are.

It’s your choice…

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In-Home Organizing

You have a fun-filled life, thriving career, and unstoppable drive. You are passionate about life and what it has to offer.

There is just one problem.

You have accumulated a bunch of stuff over the years that has taken over your home. It’s stopping you in your tracks and you are at the point that you feel swallowed up by the massive amount of things you own. You have got to do something about it or you’re going to have to buy a second home, rent a storage unit, or kick some family members out - with their stuff - to make more room. (Ok, I’m exaggerating on that last suggestion.) Before you make any drastic decisions, I have the perfect solution that will allow you to keep your family in the same home without going into debt to make more room for all that stuff.

Hire us to come to your home, we’ll be your voice of reason and give you the guidance and support you need to edit the mountains of things you own without feeling overwhelmed. You will know exactly what to keep and what to say good-bye to; it’s totally your decision. Then the final magic happens when we organize what remains for efficiency so you can feel at ease while doing your day-to-day activities.

Get out from under the pile of stuff that has been weighing you down for far too long so finally you can be free of your clutter and devote your time to having a fun life!

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Virtual Organizing

You are a go-getter who has a passion for learning new things, jumping at new opportunities, and takes projects on at full speed. And it shows!

Your passions are quite apparent as you look at the piles of stuff scattered throughout your home. It makes you feel anxious. You’re even too embarrassed to have anyone over and see the mess for themselves. You want to do something about it, but you’re overcome by the overwhelming and hopeless feeling of not knowing where to start. So, you do nothing at all.

What you need right now is a reliable way to edit your stuff down to what you like, love, and need, and get rid of the rest. That will clear space to organize what you keep, making it easy to store and find your belongings, giving you relief as you get on with your busy life.

Well, you’re in luck because I’ve got just the thing for you!

Each of my live online sessions are designed for you to learn how to clear your clutter with me by your side, without stepping foot into your home. You will learn how to stay clutter-free and the best ways to organize your stuff. You’ll have a home that is efficient, easy, and inviting. It’s time to release the physical objects causing you anxiety to give yourself the space you want so you can focus on what you really want to do in your life.

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