Organizing for a Move or Remodel

Professional Home Organizer | Los Angeles | Orange County, California

If you're preparing to move or remodel your home in Los Angeles or Orange County, CA


Our team of professional organizers is here to provide the expertise and support you need to make your moving or remodel experience seamless from start to finish.

Say goodbye to the stress, endless piles of boxes, and frustration of finding misplaced items.

  • Logistics and Planning: logistical tasks that can quickly become a enormously stressful situation. From coordinating move dates, packing belongings, and organizing transportation, the planning process can be discouraging. The sheer number of tasks and the need to keep track of various deadlines can add to the stress.

  • Packing Pandemonium: The process of packing up your entire life can be a daunting task. From sorting through your belongings to packing them securely and efficiently, it's a time-consuming process that requires careful organization. The thought of tackling every room, closet, and drawer can cause feelings of anxiety, especially when you have a limited timeframe.

  • Sorting and Decluttering: The process of going through belongings and deciding what to keep, sell, donate, or discard can be overwhelming. It's easy to accumulate a lot of items over time, and facing the task of sorting through everything can be time-consuming and emotionally challenging. Making decisions about sentimental objects or letting go of items that no longer serve a purpose can be a difficult process.

  • Time Constraints: such as lease expirations or job start dates. Trying to juggle the demands of daily life while packing and preparing for your move or remodel within a limited timeframe can lead to a sense of urgency and stress. Feeling like there's not enough time to complete everything can contribute to the overwhelming nature of the process.

Is your move or remodel is causing overwhelming feelings due to:

What if an organized move or remodel project allowed you to…

  • Experience a sense of relief and contentment as the weight of stress and overwhelm is lifted, allowing you to fully enjoy the process.

  • Embrace an optimistic mindset and feel the excitement of new beginnings as you embark on a stress-free move to a fresh and inviting space.

  • Gain a boost of confidence and empowerment knowing that every aspect of your project is handled with care and expertise, allowing you to focus on the positive aspects of the transition.

  • Embrace the opportunity to connect with your new community and forge new relationships, as the absence of stress leaves you more open and receptive to engaging with your surroundings.

  • Feel an overwhelming sense of happiness and contentment as you settle into your stress-free new home, surrounded by a sense of calm and tranquility.

You can absolutely achieve a stress free experience with a feeling of tranquility and effortless ease.

Discover the key steps to transform that dream into a reality.

The Process:

1. Step-by-Step Plan

We'll collaborate closely with your Realtor, forming a partnership to tackle the challenges of selling your home. We’ll create a step-by-step plan and timeline for the move, breaking it down into manageable tasks. We’ll assist in coordinating logistics, such as finding reliable movers, scheduling packing and transportation, and ensuring all necessary paperwork is in order.

With our structure and guidance, we’ll eliminate the guesswork and reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed.

2. Edit and Declutter

One of the biggest challenges during a move is dealing with excess belongings. Our team will help you declutter and depersonalize your space, allowing potential buyers to envision themselves living there. Clearing out excess belongings and personal items creates a clean canvas for buyers to see the true potential of your home.

This not only reduces the physical workload but also minimizes the amount of stuff to pack and unpack, making the entire process more efficient and cost effective.

3. Style

Our team will assist to style your home to maximize its appeal. We'll strategically arrange furniture and enhance the overall aesthetic, making your home irresistible to buyers and increasing its market value.

This will significantly increase the appeal of the home to potential buyers, leading to quicker sales and potentially higher offers.

4. Unpacking

When you arrive at your new home, our team will transform the chaos into order. We'll unpack your belongings to organize them in to the new space.

Picture walking into your home with no boxes in sight.

5. Personalized Organization

Every client is unique, and their organizational needs are no different. We'll customize organization systems based on your preferences and lifestyle, ensuring a home that supports your daily routines.

Say goodbye to clutter and hello to an organized oasis.

6. Peace of Mind

Moving can be a rollercoaster of emotions. Our goal is to provide you with peace of mind throughout the entire process. We take care of the details, allowing you to focus on the excitement of starting a new chapter in your life.

Throughout the process, you’ll:

  1. Feel a sense of calm and peace, alleviating the stress and overwhelm associated with a relocation.

  2. Save precious time that can be invested in other aspects of your life, allowing you to maintain a balanced routine and enjoy a smoother transition.

  3. Experience a smooth transition with our team providing efficient unpacking, and organizational solutions, allowing you to settle into your new space quickly and effortlessly.

  4. Receive emotional support, empathy, and guidance, empowering you to navigate the emotional ups and downs of moving with confidence and ease.

Embrace the possibility of a seamless move that fills you with a sense of calm and ease.

Move & Remodel Organizing Services & Rates

We believe achieving a sense of calm and ease during your move is completely within reach.

You have the power to create a stress-free moving experience that allows you to navigate the process with tranquility and confidence. By implementing effective planning, enlisting expert support, and maintaining a positive mindset, you can turn your move into a smooth and enjoyable journey.

Don't let stress overshadow this exciting chapter of your life!

Our clients feel a sense of relief during the move and can enjoy their new home from the start, all because of the ease that comes with an organized move.


  • Free consultation call

  • Relocation projects:

    • $100 per hour, per organizer, weekday projects

Included in the services to give you optimal results:

Coordinate Logistics

We’ll assist in coordinating the movers, scheduling packing and transportation, so you can watch the show unfold without missing a beat (or a box).


With our guidance you will decide what to keep, trash, or donate. Sparing you from the burden of paying to pack and move items that no longer spark joy (or just take up unnecessary space).


Our team will style your home to maximize its appeal, arranging furniture and decor to elevate the aesthetic, creating an irresistible environment that enhances market value and attracts eager buyers.


Sit back, relax, and leave the unpacking to us as we magically transform your new space from a sea of boxes to a clutter-free haven.


We’ll organize the items you’ve kept, in to your new home, optimizing efficiency and creating a layout that perfectly aligns with your household's unique lifestyle.

Measure for Storage Product

Don’t worry about untangling that measuring tape! We’ll measure your space to recommend the organizing products that best fit your space.

Storage Product Shop

Shopping for the perfect products to store your items can take hours out of your day, but we’ll happily take that project off your hands. Just tell us your budget.

Implement Storage Product

In just a few hours we’ll implement your dreamy products. We even come with a toolbox!

Labels, Please

This is when the final magic happens. To maintain the organization, everything that needs a label gets a label! Everyone in the home will know where everything goes (finally!).

Discarded Items

We'll take the donations that can fit into our vehicle, we’ll dispose of the trash in your trash bins, and if you have a large amount we’ll schedule a professional pick-up service.

On-Demand Access

Got questions? Never fear, your personal organizer is here! Email or text us in between sessions and we’ll help you however we can.

Maintain the Order

After we work our magic and leave your place looking fab, we'll schedule a follow-up session to maintain that level of fabulousness.

“Declutter, organizing and tidying was the best thing that I have done for peace of mind. I would recommend Ethereal Edits to my friends and family. Thanks Elissa, for your professionalism, your patience and keeping me calm throughout the process.”

- Mom and Retired Detective, California


  • Every aspect of your move is meticulously organized and under control.

  • Feeling as if a weight has beed lifted off your shoulders as you save valuable time and energy with a streamlined and efficient moving process.

  • Enjoying the clarity that comes with an organized move, making it easier to prioritize and make decisions about what to keep, donate, or discard.

  • A smooth transition into your new space, as the organization brings a sense of familiarity and comfort, making it easier to adapt and settle in.

  • Saying goodbye to moving-related stress and anxiety as the organization brings order and structure, helping you navigate the process with ease and confidence.

  • Things were organized in a way that made sense for your busy lifestyle 

  • You spending time at home and having time to relax!

Say yes to a stress-free experience that brings:

  • Relief

  • Efficiency

  • Clarity

  • Excitement

Allow yourself to fully embrace the joy of starting anew in your new space.

Bio Short Version .png

I’m Elissa, your clutter coach, master certified professional organizer, and owner of Ethereal Edits.

After working with many clients all around the country freeing them from their unwanted clutter, I know without question you can have the clutter-free home you want.

If you're willing to let go of your old ways of making decisions about your stuff, I promise you’ll make confident decisions and have the clutter-free home you’ve imagined.